Monday, May 31


just a beautiful coincidence. WTF

Back into Recovery

Oh my dear, i'm so sorry. I'm truly and deeply love u one and foremost.

Everything is slowly balancing out. Hubby is better. He walked, he moved. At the same time, i am accepting that not everything will get easier and i still have a lot of strength to hold. We are not coming to the end of a long road which is very good thing, and we are not at the end of a way of operating. I have had ups and downs during this time, but now finally, i can be tired and admit just how frickin strung out i am. Takpe. Everything was an adventures in a relationship, a purpose, a need. I need u b. Always and everytime <3

Dear blog, thank you for listening. Sometimes it just feels good to put all my crap out there rather than sit with it.

Saturday, May 29

Being exactly who we are

For the longest time..Those are the moments i hold onto. and take a picture of, if my camera is nearby. It is always cool to see a moment of connection. Awww. On the day of Fuad's wedding. Congratulation bro!

And that is where things are these days :)

Oh my, it was so good

Buah hati saya.
I wanted them to be smwhere n everyday besides me. heheh. so i could say those words to them. And every day on my way out, i see them, and i still smile.
(mereka-lah tempat mengadu)
tehee :)

We have gotten back into our adventure rhythm.

I am really happy to meet them.
The unexpected happens, all time..and this adventure was no exception.
Btw, i love all of them then.

mashita, asilah, nini, ayu, illy, kikin, hanis, ana, eril, farid, fais, taufiq, dekmi, mizi, raja, im.
tq v v v much muax :)

Friday, May 21

With a kindred spirit

.My first week of internship.


When i accepted my intern job a few days ago, err! its such a hectic. i dien realize what a blessing it would be. Well, the plot of with my recent study was quite similar, while the scenery maybe different. i think, i'm doing more in accounting. oh what! how should i? As it is now where i found at these strange crossroads. It inspires me in so many ways and is so very wise.

And in this moment, i feel very indifferent which is refreshing.
take a look :)


Tuesday, May 11

Practical Training

I realized that i am starting something here. I'm not too ready. Ergh, i should hv dropped all my obligations. ok, that is not the case. The case is, i feel like i am re-learning how to live my life right now. And while i have some bit nervous fr indulging this journey, there is purpose to it. ohh pls someone! i'm not, well not..ready, please do guide me. I just wish i could count on it :(

hate being an adult,

Monday, May 10

Ahhh, i feel better

Just finished my final exam, fr my final year, fr my bachelor, fr the 6 years.urghh. Trying to deal with the lack of sleep, so keeping this briefly, as a one relaxing day. walaahh. Who knew a small break could be such a recharge? ermm.

And now off deal with the recent habit, of my sleep issue. zzzz